I used to care what others thought of me. A lot, actually. Always walking on those proverbial egg shells as to not hurt someone’s feelings. Now? No. I’m tired of walking on those egg shells. They hurt. I’ve learned I can express what’s on my mind and heart without tearing someone down, if I so choose. I also know I have the God-given gift to write and use my voice when I see something is wrong. I care about human rights—the rights of every male, female, non-binary—every human being who chooses not to have a gender to describe them. Every single human being in America deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. It really is that simple.
Before I proved and without any apologies, I do refer to the current resident of The White House by anything except the President or Commander-in-Chief. IMNSHO, dude hasn’t earned that title. He’s spent 3.5 years dividing this country, sending race relations and the relations with this country’s allies back 60 years.
But I digress ...
We Didn’t Start the Fire, by Billy Joel (1989)
The orders of our so-called ‘president’ to call out our nation’s military to use for against their own countrypeople. It’s ludicrous! I am upset beyond words, and if you know me even a little, you know I have a lot of words!
Instead of using words to unite and heal this nation, the Idiot-in-Chief calls in National Guard troops to threaten fellow Americans with their government-issued guns of war and tear gas.
Folks, we are sadly reliving history from the mid-20th century again.
Agent Orange is a pathological liar and narcissist, who is only looking out for his own racist, misogynistic, narcissistic wants. We are not living in a democracy, nor are we living in a republic. Nay, nay! We have a dude residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington, DC, who blatantly lies that he is on the side of peaceful protesters, while at the same time, ordering National Guard troops to deploy tear gas and shoot those peaceful protesters with rubber bullets, while he takes a photo-op with a copy of The Holy Bible—a Bible he called “a bible,” yet a copy not his own. A dude who claims to be Christian, yet takes another photo-op in front of St. John’s Church, even though he hasn’t attended a service there since St. Patrick’s Day, 2019. Dude wants to be a dictator, instead of a true leader, i.e., an American President whose soul runneth over with genuine empathy, sympathy, love, and compassion for fellow human beings who are hurting, who have no healthcare, who have no means of supporting themselves.
We are supposed to LEARN from history, NOT REPEAT IT!!!
Lastly, since the IIC didn’t offer a prayer for the African-American community, the family of George Floyd, not to mention for the souls of the 107,000+ lost to COVID-19, I offer this:
Father God, you see the pain. You hear the pain. You hear the prayers of people seeing, hearing, and feeling this pain—the pain of racism that’s needlessly killed Your children. The pain of a pandemic that’s needlessly killed Your children. The pain bring felt by Your children, whom you created each in Your own likeness and image. Please bring healing that only can come from You—please grant us peace, love, knowledge, understanding, and the fortitude we need so much to this troubled nation. Please sow the seeds for the growth of fruit that produced real, positive change, and grant us the peaceful world we crave. Please reunite the states o
f America.
I ask all of this in Your Holy Name through the intercessions of Jesus, and our Blessed Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace. Amen.
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