Friday, September 11, 2015


On this day 14 years ago,I witnessed the most horrific tragedy play out on live TV. Many of my young friends were just mere babes and have no recollection of the events that took place that fateful day. It froze this country for 2 weeks.
Some people tire of hearing it, and personally speaking, I can no longer watch that footage of those jets plowing into the World Trade Center Towers like they were mere pylons, targets of an archer's arrow, if you will. [I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the heroes who desperately tried to save their own lives and the lives of all those on United #93 that ultimately crashed in Somerset County, Pennsylvania.] My point is, this day and these acts of domestic terrorism is my generation's Pearl Harbor, only the devastation is on a greater scale.
We must never forget! We must teach our children and our grandchildren the significance of now what is known as Patriot Day!
These are troubling times we live ineven more frightening than the Cold War, but as my history teachers always taught, if we learn from history, we learn not to repeat it. So let's take that to heartif you see something, say something.
Have a blessed day! Perform some volunteer work if you are able, perform a random act of kindness, please do something that will make a difference. As Blessed Mother Teresa Calcutta said, "Do small things with great love." Peace.